Well, the launch of a much needed new website...
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It is paramount to us that we maintain a respected Ofsted report, over the years our nurseries reports have remained strong. Both our nurseries in Swadlincote and Burton have been awarded a GOOD rating.
Key Findings from our Ofsted report include:
Our nurseries are well equipped with a range of resources making activities easily accessible for children to confidently make choices and lead their own play.
Our team are passionate about supporting children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, we secure partnerships working with outside agencies and other professionals to ensure children receive support as early as possible.
The nursery environments reflect the diverse backgrounds of the children and the wider community our children learn to respect and celebrate each other’s differences and everyone is are valued as unique individuals.
Teaching is strong, all our staff observe, assess and plan for children effectively. Children in our care make consistently good progress in their learning and development, including children who have special needs. children in our care are confident, motivated learners and are very well prepared for their next stage in learning and school.